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‘I need you to open the door’: TikToker pepper sprays man who tried to enter her car at McDonald’s drive-thru


A woman shared via TikTok that a random man allegedly tried entering her car while she was at a McDonald’s drive-thru with her daughter. 

In the video, posted by user Kenya La’Shae or @kenyalashae08, she’s heard telling the man “bye” repeatedly as he puts his face close to her car window. He appears to be holding onto her car. The man’s words are muffled since he’s outside the car, but 

La’Shae said he was telling her, “I need you to open the door.”

When the man refuses to leave,

La’Shae pepper sprays him. 

“I’m about to pepper spray him, one moment,” she’s overheard saying to someone. When he tries to come back,

La’Shae sprays him a second time. 

Her video has garnered over 2 million views since posting Friday. In the comments, users were divided over whether

La’Shae did the right thing. While some people commended her for her actions, others said she took things too far.

“You just videotaped yourself committing an assault,” one person wrote. “You should have just driven away.” 

“All you had to do is ignore him and pull off,” said another. “Rolling down [the] window is extra and pepper spraying can ignite additional problems.” 

However, many commenters came to La’Shae's defense, with some suggesting alternative methods of protection.

“Love when people always find a way to defend [in] these situations. Protect yourself first especially if you have children,” said one commenter. 

“That’s right. Protect you and yours,” wrote another. 

The Daily Dot has reached out to

La’Shae via TikTok comment.

The post ‘I need you to open the door’: TikToker pepper sprays man who tried to enter her car at McDonald’s drive-thru appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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