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‘Enter into a relationship with my son’: TikToker rejects Tinder date, gets threatening messages from date’s mom

tiktok mom harasses son's date

In a series of three videos, TikToker @trustmeimaexpert—whose usual content is more car related—recounted a wild story time from his dating life.

A few weeks ago the TikToker took a Tinder match out to dinner. The very first thing the guy said to him when they met in person was, "Oh wow, you remind me a lot of my uncle. That's both attractive and very exciting for me." Taken aback, the TikToker responded with a simple, "Uh, okay."

Unsurprisingly, the guy wasn't the TikToker's cup of tea, so @trustmeimaexpert let him know he didn't think they were compatible. The TikToker was going about his life when he got an unexpected text—seemingly from the date's mother.

"I must say I was quite devastated when my son returned home from the outing and was not engaged to the man that he loves so I am reaching out to you to request that you enter into a relationship with my son and immediately begin planning a wedding of which will be paid 50/50 between the two families," the mom wrote to him.

The TikToker responded asking if her text was meant as a joke. He stated he had no interest in dating her son, saying, "He said a bunch of things that were honestly really strange and off putting and I didn't feel any form of connection between us."

The mom responded that there "is no joking when it comes to my sons love." She told him her son already had pictures of the TikToker in his room and wants to get married as soon as possible. The mom said she'd be going by the TikToker's workplace to "discuss things in person" and give him the ring they'd purchased for the supposed proposal.

The TikToker told her not to go to his office and said if she did, it would be stalking and harassment. He added he had no plans to marry anytime soon after the sudden loss of his fiancé earlier this year.

Instead of backing off, the mom told the TikToker that she knows about his fiancé's death and while "regrettable," his focus "now needs to be to ignore the past and focus on what you need to do to make my son happy."

The TikToker promptly blocked the woman. This first part of the series went viral with nearly 650,000 views on the video platform since posting Oct. 20. Parts two and three have a combined 210,000 views so far.

In the highly requested subsequent videos, the TikToker confirms that the woman and her son never stopped by his job. And if they had, he instructed his coworkers to call the police on them.

But, the mom did end up contacting him form yet another phone after realizing she'd been blocked. She claimed to be "appalled" at his treatment of his "husband and mother in law." She added that she saw his TikTok and made "notations" in her notebook of everyone who commented and threatened to take legal action against them if he didn't remove the video immediately.

Ever persistent, the woman brings the wedding back up while also calling the TikToker an "embarrassment" to the family. In the same breath, she says he must now buy her son a car of his choosing and anything under $35,000 would not be appropriate.

The TikToker's response: "Bitch go fuck a cactus."

Out of caution, the TikToker hit up a friend who works with the local police department and sent him all the information he had. The friend found out that it is likely the mother texting him and this isn't the first time she's harassed someone for romantically rejecting one of her kids.

About three or four months ago, the mom did the same thing to a guy who didn't want to date her daughter. Instead of a car, they demanded a house on the lake. The TikToker claims the sister and mom were charged with harassment and stalking, among other things, and ended up taking a probationary plea to get out of jail. It's unclear where specifically these events took place, but the TikToker's bio states he's based in Georgia.

In part three, he got a call from the mom's probation officer. In a surprising plot twist, it was allegedly the son the entire time. The son allegedly did it to mess with the TikToker.

Some viewers, however, weren't buying it.

"Yoooooo the son is covering for the mom," one user said.

"It was probably her but he took the blame so she wouldn't go to jail," another wrote.

The TikToker finished the saga by sharing the story of the actual date, which was as uncomfortable as he alluded to at the start of the series.

@trustmeimaexpert did not immediately respond to the Daily Dot's request for comment via TikTok comment.

The post ‘Enter into a relationship with my son’: TikToker rejects Tinder date, gets threatening messages from date’s mom appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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