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C Y B E R S C O P E S: Your horoscope for October 2021

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Looking for some balance in your life? It’s time for Libra season to tip the scales!

Say goodbye to beach parties and long summer days. Libra season ushered in the fall equinox on Sept. 22, bringing pumpkin spice lattes, crunchy leaves, and snuggle weather along with it. This month, these cosmic scales offer the flirty, social treat you deserve after decluttering your life during Virgo season. 


Ruled by Venus, the Libra archetype centers balance, justice, and love. It’s the only sign of the zodiac not represented by a person or an animal. Instead, the season is represented by the scales of justice. But don’t be fooled, Libra isn’t all gavel smashing Judge Judy (although, she DOES have a Libra stellium). Libra’s fair and peacemaker archetypes manifest as friendliness and inclusivity. Couple that with being ruled by the planet of beauty, and you have the makings of a generous party host who will bring lively vibes through thoughtful decor, tasteful music, and a dazzling guest list.



Mercury is in retrograde from Sept. 27 to Oct. 17. This month try meditating on these questions:

  • Where in your life do you need balance?
  • In what ways have you been unfair to yourself, to others, and vice versa? 
  • What decisions are you having trouble making lately, and what’s holding you back?

On Oct. 6, the new moon joins the sun in Libra. Use this energy to ritualize intentions related to these themes: 

  • Adding balance where it’s needed in your life. This could include a sympathetic magic spell requiring an actual scale or blocking out your calendar for time specifically spent on yourself or with loved ones.
  • Justice—in whatever form. This might look like volunteering with a mutual aid group, putting money toward a prisoner’s commissary, or reading political theory.
  • Making progress on that difficult decision you’ve been putting off. This could be as simple as shaking a magic eight ball or creating a “pros and cons” list for each decision you need to make.

A full moon in Aries arrives on Oct. 20, inviting us to solidify our new moon intentions with action. Take advantage of this fiery Mars energy to pursue your passions. The keyword for this Aries full moon is “action.” Shoot your shot at work, slide into those DMs, or do something you’ve been putting off! 


With a stellium in Libra (the opposite of your sun sign) expect a socially and intellectually satisfying month, Aries. Autumn brings a renewed sense of energy, something you’re familiar with as a cardinal sign. Charge into fall with new habits, a new book, a new job, or a new love interest. With Mars and Mercury retrograde transiting Libra, use this time to check in with your mind and body. Where is the imbalance, and what decision do you have to make to reach equilibrium? The full moon in Aries on Oct. 20 is the perfect time to take steps toward achieving that balance.



You spent Virgo season neck deep in projects and assignments that needed your full attention and utmost discipline. Now it’s time to find a stopping point, so you can take a break and get social during this fall season. Mercury retrograde in Libra is an opportunity to reflect on where you’ve been spending most of your energy and how that affects your life. Are you working long hours at the expense of quality time with your loved ones? During the new moon on Oct. 6, observe where balance is needed. Execute tangible actions to create that balance on the Oct. 20 full moon.

Meme of stick figure laying in messy pile and saying 'my social skills have left me and now I fear they are gone forever'


You’ve been Mary Kondo’ing it up these past few months, Gemini! Thanks to the intense decluttering, you've lightened your life’s load of things, people, and thoughts that no longer serve you. With the sun, Mercury, and Mars in the sign of cosmic balance, this Libra season meditate on what you’ve decided to keep and how you are prioritizing it. Venus, which governs art, beauty, and community relations, pushes you to get social and creative this month. It is October after all: Put together a creative Halloween costume or plan a spooky movie night with friends! 



You scurried around Virgo season tackling all kinds of projects, cosmic crab. As the sun and stellium shine light on Libra’s scales, you’re invited to slow down and bring your focus back home. The past few months were hectic for you, and despite home being a big theme for Cancer, you don’t always stay too long. We often think of “socializing” as going out and having fun with friends. But socializing is also about building deep connections with the companions who surround you. Take in the crisp autumn season by brewing a cup of tea, sitting with your family (chosen or otherwise), and asking them to tell you their story.



You spent Virgo season winding down projects and hitting major milestones, Leo! It’s time to get some rest while contemplating your next moves. What did you learn from last month’s experience? Mercury retrograde in Libra is a great opportunity to meditate on your communication style and think about how much space you take up in settings with your friends and community. As much as you love to take center stage, it’s important to make room for people who aren’t as bold or extroverted as you.



Your solar return last month brought up revelations regarding your mental and physical health. Tangibly addressing your body’s needs is top priority as an earth sign, dear Virgo. So what better time to apply practices of balance to meet those needs than Libra season? This Mercury retrograde invites you to take inventory of what your body lacks, what it needs in moderation, and the consequences of what happens when these subtle calls to action are dismissed. The new moon in Libra on Oct. 6 is a great time to ritualize these themes by starting a new journal, meal prep regimen, or weekly check-in with loved ones.



Happy solar return, Libra! Virgo season offered you space to catch up on self-reflection, physical and mental restoration, and self-care. Now that the sun, Mercury, and Mars are all in Libra, a major transformation is upon you. Following last month’s deep reflection, you’re now at a crossroad that requires you to make some major decisions. But don’t let this weigh on you too heavily. Your planetary ruler, Venus, encourages you to surround yourself with the beauty of friends, good food, and art. Remember: Balance is key!



Themes related to your home came up last month, sweet Scorpio. Home represents a state of mind for most people, so feelings of uncertainty or instability at home can bring much stress. Now that the sun is in the sign of balance, Libra season challenges you to do the uncomfortable task of listing the things in your life bringing you stress and creating a plan to work through them. Doing this exercise might reveal that some of the things on our to-do list are simple to execute, but our minds often make mountains of molehills. This month, create balance by making physical to-do lists to free up some bandwidth in your head.



The sun in the busy body sign of Virgo last month had you juggling numerous obligations, cosmic Archer. As a mutable fire sign, “no” is a rare word in your vocabulary! This is even the case when it comes to having fun and socializing. Libra season shifts you from work mode to party mode. Make space to socialize and get creative with friends you’ve been meaning to catch up with. The new moon on Oct. 6 is a good time to make a draft of action for balancing work, socializing, and rest so you don’t burn out!



Last month, Virgo season’s earthy energy provided a productive time of rearranging, decluttering, and removing extraneous things from your life, dear Cap. In mystical circles, we know doing this makes room for new opportunities and abundance. Under Libra’s themes of balance and harmony, the space you’ve created will soon be occupied! Take time during Mercury’s retrograde in Libra to meditate on what new energies you want to bring into your life and use the new moon on Oct. 6 to ritualize the ways you intend to manifest them. 



Some grounding themes weighed heavily on you during Virgo season, Aquarius. Perhaps you dealt with matters of the home that brought up emotions you weren’t expecting to face. With the sun now in your fellow air sign, Libra, expect a less heavy, more outgoing month. Your mind is itching to be stimulated. Satisfy this itch by studying a new subject, enjoying conversations with your friends, or planning a trip to a place you’ve never been. Begin this process during the new moon on Oct. 6.



You should be feeling lighter, Pisces, after cleaning house in the realm of relationships during Virgo season. This month, focus on how your intimate relationships nourish you and vice versa. What do you give to others, and how is that being reciprocated? The liminal space between summer and fall is a time when you thrive, as the autumn shadows resemble the darkness of the deep ocean, cosmic Fish! Mercury retrograde in Libra and the spooky autumn season invites you to deepen your spiritual side. The new moon in Libra on Oct. 6 is the perfect time to initiate this new practice.


The post C Y B E R S C O P E S: Your horoscope for October 2021 appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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