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‘What you’re not going to do is disrespect her’: Mom confronts coach after he allegedly makes her daughter cry in viral TikTok

TikTok mom

A mom on TikTok is going viral for cornering and calling out her daughter's volleyball coach after he allegedly disrespected her kid and made her cry.

A video of the woman, shared to @boujie_ass_a's TikTok account, has been gaining traction online. It shows as the young athlete's mother pulls up to the school gymnasium, where a handful of girls can be seen practicing in front of a masked coach.

The mother, prepped and ready with her phone out and aimed mostly downward, approaches the coach while he's still on the floor. When he sees her approach, the man tells her that "We can go outside," but the mom is hearing none of it. She informs him that "No, we're going to do it here because you yelled at her in front of everybody."

The coach lets out a defensive "yeah" at this, shrugging his shoulders dismissively as the mom launches into a parental lecture that would make Vince Lombardi flinch.

"So what you're not going to do is disrespect her," the mom states, voice calm but firm. Noting that her daughter has helped the coach "ever since last year" as his manager, she goes on to point out that her daughter "goes out of her way," despite being injured, to keep the team going strong.

When she points out that her daughter "came here and still plays on this raggedy-ass team that don't ever fucking win," the coach becomes incensed. He informs her that "that's enough" and attempts to shut the conversation down, but his behavior seemingly only irritates the young player's mother more. Voice increasingly showing her anger, she informs the coach that she isn't finished, before launching into the next portion of her lecture.

"You don't tell her that she's replaceable when she busts her ass," she says, shaking the camera in her anger. "These girls get bullied every day, they don't need an adult bullying them."


She goes on to claim that her daughter "risks her life" attending practice and participating in games, though she doesn't clarify how, or why her daughter's life is in danger. She polishes off the speech by telling the coach that "you're not going to tell her she's replaceable," before turning on her heel and informing him that "Yes, we quit."

As she exits the gym, the mother shouts back that "you got us fucked up," before noting that "you try any of my kids like that, it's your fucking ass."

Opinions on the video were somewhat split in the comments section, though a clear majority of people stood with @boujie_ass_a's parenting style. They applauded her for showing up when her daughter needed her, and several commenters pointed out that they'd "kill for my mom to stick up for me like this."

While many commenters lauded the mother for standing up for her kid, a few people lashed out, calling her a "Karen" and accusing her of raising soft children.

@boujie_ass_a responded to these negative commenters in a follow-up TikTok.

Responding directly to one commenter who mockingly stated that "boom, she's replaced," in reference to her daughter, the mom provided yet another lesson in parenting.


"As a parent, you would think you'd never want your child to feel like they're replaceable," she says in the video. "Me personally, I want my kids to know that they are one of a kind." She goes on to say that it is one thing to be a harsh coach and entirely another to "degrade, humiliate, and bully people." She claims that her daughter was yelled at for "laughing just like all the other girls." According to her claims in the video, the coach went so far as to call her daughter "a B," in the midst of being "disrespectful" to her.

This is apparently an ongoing issue. Noting that her children have been playing sports under this coach for several years now, @boujie_ass_a informs viewers that this has happened several times before. She also called out viewers who accused her daughter of being "soft," noting that her child "handled the situation" before picking up the phone, but ultimately felt that "at that point, a parent needed to step in and check the adult."

She says the coach has since called and apologized to her daughter. He also reportedly asked her to return to the team.

The Daily Dot reached out to @boujie_ass_a via Instagram.

The post ‘What you’re not going to do is disrespect her’: Mom confronts coach after he allegedly makes her daughter cry in viral TikTok appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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