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Twitter users are nostalgic for childhood sick days after woman goes viral for using 34-year-old jar of Vicks VapoRub

Twitter Vicks VapoRub Nostalgia

A Twitter user has gone viral for posting that she used a jar of Vicks VapoRub that expired in 1987 on her currently sick son—and she claims it still worked.

Heather Chacon (@wickettred) said her mom used the exact same pot of Vicks on her when she was a child. The Vicks brand account replied to Chacon's tweet, emphasizing it does not condone such behavior.

"While we appreciate your mom's confidence in VapoRub, we recommend that you don't use an expired product," Vicks tweeted. The brand also warns folks not to use expired product in its FAQ.

Still, others were quick to follow Chacon’s post by sharing their expired medicines, family remedies, and memories of childhood illness cures. One Twitter user even surpassed Chacon's expire date, boasting a pot from the 1970s.

Other products besides were also brought up in the conversation, including Caladryl calamine lotion, Luden's cough drops, Bactine, and the holy foursome of cold cures: Vicks, Campbell's chicken noodle soup, saltine crackers, and Sprite.

Along with all of the nostalgia and recommendations for usage of Vicks, the company itself is doing some preventative damage control via Twitter to ensure no one gets hurt by folks' suggestions for use.

The post Twitter users are nostalgic for childhood sick days after woman goes viral for using 34-year-old jar of Vicks VapoRub appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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