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TikToker reveals just how Jack in the Box’s cheap tacos are made


TikTokers seem sick and tired of people eating at the fast-food restaurants they work at, trying to gross them out with the reality of what they are consuming. In the latest iteration, a user exposed Jack in the Box. 

In the video, @akapaolaa reveals how Jack in the Box tacos are made. After frying the tortillas in canola oil to harden them, the user then stuffs it with a triangle of cheese, an undisclosed type of meat, lettuce, and their signature sauce.

The chain sells two tacos for just under $1.

Given how cheap the restaurant chain is, it’s not incredibly surprising how their food is made. 

“Are we supposed to expect fast food to be healthy, gourmet cuisine?” one commenter wrote.

“But at midnight they be bussin bussin,” another said.

“This is harming in the long run? Man I’m here for a good time, not a long time,” said a third.

This isn’t the first time that an employee at a popular restaurant chain has tried to expose their employer. Earlier this year, a McDonald’s worker shared where the chain’s signature onions came from. Prior to that, someone exposed how Taco Bell makes its beans

And while some users are rightfully disgusted by the cooking process, it doesn’t look like these videos are discouraging users from not eating there anymore. 

“Sorry this actually looks good,” someone wrote on the Jack in the Box post.

The post TikToker reveals just how Jack in the Box’s cheap tacos are made appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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