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C Y B E R S C O P E S: Your horoscope for July 2021

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Feeling tender inside your shell this month? Cancer season is here!


After the wild ride of Gemini season—with two eclipses and two planetary retrogrades—Cancer season comes as a much-needed break. The summer solstice on June 20 ushered in a period of tenderness and warmth as the sun-blessed the cardinal sign of the crab. If you were put through the wringer last month, it’s time to REST. The crab invites us to relax on the shores of our feelings as we recover and unpack the trying lessons of eclipse and retrograde season. Sitting in these feelings can help us check in with ourselves about the decisions we made, projects we executed, and the thoughts we communicated during Gemini season. 


With Neptune and Jupiter retrograding in the sign of Pisces, this watery concoction presents an opportunity to sift through potential illusions and projections by working out our emotional muscles. Sometimes our eyes can deceive us, and what we see isn’t always what we get. Emotions are not a weakness but a radar that can guide us through the fog that confuses our sight.

Cancer rules the mother archetype and the family unit. Nurture, birth, and home are the major themes of this sign. The word family originates from the Latin word “famulus” meaning servant. This season, meditate on these questions: Who and what feels like home? How do we serve and nurture our people, and what does it look like when they serve and nurture us? What does it take for an acquaintance to move into our inner circle of trust?

On July 8, the new moon will join the sun in Cancer, briefly trining both Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces. This is the first new moon after eclipse season and a potent day for rituals after shedding the things that no longer serve you. Ritualize this energy by doing something intentional and tangible related to your home, the Mother archetype, or anything that makes you feel safe. It could be something low-stakes like rubbing oils of protection on the locks of your doors or something more intense like building a bonfire at the beach to burn written intentions before submerging yourself in the water. Whatever you decide, crying should definitely be involved—it is Cancer season, after all.


Please note: These horoscopes, like memes, are meant to add fun and color to your month. Take what feels good to you, leave what doesn’t.


After the busy month you just had, Aries, replenishing your resources is of utmost importance. The ram is continuously fueled by excitement, adventure, and spontaneity, but right now, it’s time for nesting and cozying up. Find nourishment and comfort in the people you consider home. Revisit the vibes in your living space and upgrade it from livable to immaculate. Relish in comfort, whether that’s treating yourself to new mood lighting or hosting a movie marathon with your besties. If your life was a pillow fort, who and what would you want in it?



Despite the watery nature of crab season, this transit makes you feel right at home, earthy Taurus. You’ve been looking forward to getting back into those cozy, familiar routines you love after retrograde and eclipse season, since uncertainty is the ultimate inconvenience. Nurture connections with old and new relationships. You may find yourself phoning a friend or sibling for a co-working session, a pick-up basketball game, or checking out that restaurant that you’ve been meaning to visit. Socializing with your inner circle is a big theme for you this season.



As the sun moves out of Gemini and into Cancer, remnants of last month’s chaotic energy linger in your reality. Take stock of your finances, your family, and your energy reserves Gemini. How do these tie together? Out of the three, which cup is abundant, and which cup is depleted? What do you desire the most out of these three? The eclipse and retrograde season encouraged many people to shed what no longer served them. Now it’s a good time to take inventory of what you shed and what you kept. On July 8, the new moon helps clear lingering doubts and strengthens your resolve regarding family and what that means for you.



It’s time to peek out of your shell and celebrate your season, cosmic crab! Enjoy the summer sun ushered in by the recent solstice. The archetype of the crab is the divine nurturer, the Mother. Most of the time you nurture everyone and everything, but this season, try turning inward to focus on yourself. We can’t nurture effectively while running on empty. Refuel by taking a moment to unpack all the emotions that came with last month’s eclipses and retrogrades. What old shell have you outgrown, and what does the next one look like? Sometimes growth comes with growing pains.



Ruled by the sun, you have been THRIVING since the summer solstice, sweet Lion. Your season in the spotlight is fast approaching, but until then, recharge those solar batteries! Cozying up in bed with a good book or taking afternoon naps are perfect ways to rest and nourish yourself this month. However, taking a break could be challenging for you, as you’d rather have your guns and buns out while the sun is blazing. Both Venus and Mars are in your sign this season, making things extra hot and sultry. For a healthy compromise, take your book poolside to show off a new swimsuit while relaxing.



This Cancer season keeps you busy, Virgo. You may be building a home in new places with new projects and new connections. The eclipses and retrogrades invited you to share some completed projects with the world, and now people want more of where that came from! The nurturing and love that you give is finally getting reciprocated, so gather your family and besties for support. It will take group collaboration to translate the ideas from your brain to the material world. 



This Cancer season encourages you to nurture your strengths, Libra. Last month, you hunkered down to soak up knowledge and formulate new ideas. Now it’s time to apply those lessons. If you learned about budgeting, try balancing your checkbook. If you dabbled in gardening, rent a small plot at your nearby community garden. Acting on your desires is a surefire way to earn recognition; as they say, fortune favors the bold. You deserve it!



Both you and your watery relative, Cancer, enjoy the hard exterior shell you comfortably build homes in. Last month’s eclipses and retrogrades challenged you to be disciplined, Scorpio, as you were inundated with many changes. But following the summer solstice, your thirst for adventure and excitement has soared as you finally settle down into new energies. The crab’s attention to nurturing and familial connections encourages you to take stock of your own network. Deepen these relationships through intentional engagement. After all, love is not just a feeling—it’s also a verb!



Last month’s wild cosmic ride didn’t stop you from juggling 50 different things, dear Sag, while forming new memories and enjoying first-time experiences along the way. Cancer season challenges you to slow down and question why you are always on the move. How much of our busy schedule is simply a way to escape our own thoughts? Nurturing your emotional landscape and clearing out your resentments are themes that come up for you this month, especially if you've taken on more responsibility in lieu of asking for assistance or delegating tasks. You are not alone. You have a support system that loves and cares for you. More helping hands complete a project quicker, which means more time to lounge out in the sun!



Gemini season urged you to socialize in the communities you belong to since the past year kept us at home and isolated. You may have gone on group dates, traveled with a handful of friends, or met up at a restaurant to celebrate someone’s birthday. Cancer season wants you to keep that same energy but on a smaller scale. Now that you’re out of isolation, it’s time to cultivate and nourish one-on-one relationships with friends and family. Get to know each other once again; we’ve all shed so many parts of ourselves in the past year. 



During last season’s fury of retrogrades and eclipses, you were tasked with making your magical, creative ideas come to life. If you lived up to this task, you may be feeling exhausted physically, mentally, and spiritually. Crab season wants you to slow down and give yourself a LOT of TLC. You can’t bring your grand humanitarian plans to fruition if you don’t have the energy reserves to do so. As the sun shines on your dreams, you may feel tempted to put your needs on the backburner. How did that work for you in the past? Take time to ritualize rest during the new moon on July 8. Take a ritual bath, sleep with a sachet of lavender under your pillow, or write a statement of intent toward self-care.



You’re feeling right at home in the watery season of the crab, Pisces. Last month’s retrograde and eclipse portal provided an intense time of shedding and release for you. Now it’s time to let loose and enjoy the summer! It’s hard to say no to all the summer parties, late night adventures, and spontaneous hang sessions when you’re not carrying all that extra baggage. Treat yourself to a sexy new outfit, date night, or haircut that will grab the attention of your admirers. Summer romance is in the air.


The post C Y B E R S C O P E S: Your horoscope for July 2021 appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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