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C Y B E R S C O P E S: Your horoscope for June 2021

zodiac symbols coming out of a phone

Seeing double? Welcome to the season of the cosmic twins! 

This very auspicious month brings a Mercury retrograde during Gemini season, plus a Jupiter retrograde on top of a solar eclipse in Gemini. Don't let the negative stereotype of retrogrades scare you, though!

We often hear about misunderstandings, forgotten exes sliding into DMs, or technological glitches, but the retrograde motion of these planets is the perfect time to venture inward and do some self-reflection. This might be challenging at first since the month starts off with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in the chatty, fast-moving sign of Gemini, just as things are opening up, and we’re reuniting with our social groups. 



As Venus moves out of Gemini and into Cancer on June 2, the energy can transition to a more introspective space. If being alone in the bath, journaling, or meditating isn't your thing, intimate hangouts with your inner circle can also be ideal. Venus rules love, relationships, and the finer things in life, while Cancer rules maternal energies, family (blood or chosen), and the home. If you feel compelled to host an intimate dinner, the astro weather is perfect for it! 

The solar eclipse arrives on June 10, a wild card with Gemini energies. Solar eclipses signify unexpected changes related to the world around us. You may initiate an unforeseen new project, go on a random trip, or meet someone new you connect with immediately. In any case, it's best to keep the stakes low and go with the flow of the cosmos instead of intentionally manifesting. Eclipses are too unpredictable! 


On June 20, Jupiter goes retrograde in the sign of Pisces, moving the planet of abundance and expansion backward into the watery depths of Pisces. If you’ve been overextending yourself in your community or running low on creative reserves, this is the long break you need, as this transit invites us to reassess, readjust, and recharge.


Great news: Mercury goes direct on June 22 as we move into Cancer season. We can also get back to manifesting our intentions during the Capricorn full moon on June 24, grounding us during this sensitive time. The full moon theme is “building foundations through discipline.” 

On June 25, Saturn goes retrograde in the sign of Pisces. Rest and introspection are big themes this month because retrograde Saturn will ask us some uncomfortable questions about our hopes and dreams. The answers might require us to make a few adjustments. 

Please note: These horoscopes, like memes, are meant to add fun and color to your month. Take what feels good to you, leave what doesn’t.


With this season of eclipses and retrogrades, PAUSE before you do something drastic and semi-permanent with your appearance, Aries. You don’t want to charge horns out into something that doesn’t have a back button. Instead, channel this energy toward open projects, and make sure to finish strong by the end of the season. Are you starting too many tasks at once? Do you have the capacity to complete all of them? If your energy is off the walls, burn some off by moving your body, whether it’s running, dancing, or yoga. Bonus points if it’s an activity you can do with a friend so you can talk each other’s ears off.



As the sun leaves your sign and moves into Gemini, it may feel like you’re being urged to wake up from a luxurious slumber to get ready for the day. It’s tempting to sleep in a little longer, sweet Taurus, but Gemini season and its posse of eclipses and retrogrades are standing over you, ready to shove you out of bed. Make use of this mercurial time by attending to some earthly matters. Do you want to take up a new hobby? Declutter the closet? Revise your savings plan? Slow and steady is the game plan. If you’re feeling rushed, proceed with caution. Only entertain ideas you formulated before the retrograde, since it will be tempting to pick up every shiny, new project during Gemini season.



It’s your time to shine, Gemini! Your season is coming in hot with a flurry of unpredictable energy. June kicks off with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in the sign of Gemini. Treat yourself to a fancy meal, a new haircut you've been eying, or those boots you’ve kept in your online shopping cart for a minute. Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, supports this! While the Sun, the planet of ego and self, will give you lots of flirty confidence during your birthday season, Mercury is retrograde in the same house. That means think and plan before you speak, write, drive, etc. no matter how confident you feel. It’s better to be safe than sorry!



This season, the cosmic twins guide Venus into your sun sign, giving you space to honor your wants and needs. With unpredictable eclipses and a couple planets in retrograde, this is the perfect time to get cozy in your shell for some deep contemplation. Venus in Cancer feels like weighted blankets, breakfast in bed, a relaxing playlist, or Netflix and chill. Mars in Cancer, until June 11, asks you to reevaluate your boundaries: Do they need to be redrawn? Who and what makes you feel safe? Reciprocation is important for you Cancer, as a sign who feels a lot. This is a good time to review reciprocal exchanges and sift relationships, through your relationships. Is there growth? Are all parties making time? Are all parties making efforts?



As a social butterfly, you’re in for an easy time this month, Leo. Gemini is the season for extroverts and exchanges. But Mars moves into your sign on June 11, and with Mercury retrograde, things could get heated if you’re not mindful of what you say or do when emotions run high. This might be a challenge as Mars, the God of War, collaborates with the energy of Leo, the proud lion. Since Mars also rules will power, use this time to practice your will of restraint—an energy that can aid you through this period of eclipses and retrogrades. Move your goals toward the finish line. Challenge yourself by setting due dates before the end of this month.



As someone who shares the same planetary ruler as Gemini, this season brings forth many familiar Mercurial themes. Do you have finished projects that required lots of thinking, writing, planning, or moving? If so, this is the time to share your projects with the world. While you may be tempted to give into imposter syndrome, take inventory of what you’ve accomplished in the past month. The list doesn’t have to be long, so be kind to yourself. Remember that these retrogrades and eclipses require more mindful words, thoughts, and actions. Rest is not the reward but a necessity. Ask yourself: What ways can you be supported during this time?



Your mind wants to keep up with the busy cosmos this Gemini season. The Sun, Mercury retrograde, and solar eclipse occurring in your fellow air sign’s house make this a period of new ideas, mental stimulation, and deep learning for you Libra. The challenge for you this season is figuring out what lessons you want to commit to learning since it’s an auspicious time to soak up knowledge of all forms. Don’t let the choices overwhelm you. Instead, write down your priorities. Do you want to learn about budgeting? Historical materialism? Gardening? New spiritual practices? If your list is long, pick your top three. Make a decision and stick to it, as the things you study this season will be the tools you’ll use in the seasons to come.


If you’re feeling restless and energized, thank the Sun, Mercury retrograde, and the solar eclipse in Gemini. You may feel inclined to burn up energy to return to equilibrium, but before you do, consider directing that motion toward tasks that usually have you dragging your feet. Solar eclipses signify unexpected changes in the world around us. On June 10, and the days before and after, pay close attention to changes related to your finances and your support system. Note the way you respond to these changes and adjust accordingly, Scorpio. This cosmic weather invites you to work toward self mastery to uncover the treasures within.



Your energy this season could power a small city. Despite the retrogrades and eclipses pushing you to take it easy, here you are juggling multiple projects, indulging in your favorite hobbies, and hanging out with your besties. Most of the planets causing a stir in the cosmos are situated in your polar opposite sign of Gemini, which could explain the desire to socialize and spend quality time with folks you can throw your head back and laugh with. Live this month like a coming of age movie (as if you weren’t already). Jupiter, your ruling planet, retrograding later in the month could be the short rest you take in order to clean your home and power up for the next adventure. 



It’s time to take a step back from work so you can stretch high, breathe deep, and socialize with friends who have missed your presence. You’ll find the self-care you need in the communities you belong to. There’s a fine line between being a homebody and being a recluse. This month, ask yourself: “When was the last time you did something for the VERY first time?” Taking this break will not only recharge you; it will also help refocus your vision to successfully perform the tasks you’ve been staring at for a while now.



This Gemini-themed eclipse and retrograde season asks you to get out of your head and into the present, Aquarius. You’ve had creative ideas pressure cooking in your mind for a while now, and the release valve is ready to open! This cosmic weather wants you to find like-minded folks to collaborate with and execute these ideas. What tangible actions will you take this month for these ideas to come to fruition? Who are you bringing in to co-pilot the ship? Take some time to plan this out, we all know Aquarian ideas tend to be quite grand.



For you, Pisces, this season may feel like someone just pulled open the black-out curtains in your room. Direct sunlight is shining in your eyes, urging you to jump off the couch and get into a ready position. You’re going through numerous changes, and this Gemini season’s eclipses and retrogrades are here to amplify that. To level out the chaos, Jupiter retrograde in your sign invites you to observe what has been excessive in your life and either pull it back or release it. Spending a little too much on dining out? Time to budget. Do you have a “friend” who continually oversteps your boundaries? Best to peace out of there. Has work become unbearable? A new career is calling. Whatever the case may be, this season, any form of release is auspicious. 


The post C Y B E R S C O P E S: Your horoscope for June 2021 appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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