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Bucky’s detachable vibranium arm kicks off a debate about autonomy and racism

Winter Soldier looking off camera.

The last episode of Falcon and the Winter Soldier saw a confrontation between Ayo of the Dora Milaje (Florence Kasumba) and Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan) during which she triggered a failsafe built into his vibranium arm, causing it to shut down and detach from his body. The existence of the failsafe has triggered a debate among fans, and while most seem firmly on the side of the Wakandans and the failsafe feature, not everyone agrees.


The debate over Bucky's detachable arm

The debate went viral thanks to actor-director Stephen Ford, who tweeted that the installation of the failsafe was "really messed up," undermining Bucky's recovered autonomy and revealing that the Wakandans had never trusted him in the first place.

"saying the wakandans were worse than hydra for neutralizing bucky's arm... i need mcu bucky stans to log off for me" Bucky in profile against the shield with "it makes no sense' in blue and white text beside him
So let me get this straight: The Wakandans accept a dude that could go off on a murder spree at ANY MOMENT, fix him and gift him a weapon of their OWN design and you’re upset they can turn it off? Where was this energy when Tony did this to Peter with his suit? Stop the madness.

However, as some fans were quick to point out, that mistrust was turned out to be justified as Bucky had just broken Baron Zemo, the man who killed King T'Chaka, out of prison.

He broke the man who murdered their king out of prison so their mistrust seems quite prescient
So what you're saying is that in a story where a recovering brainwashed psychopath with a murder-arm who then betrayed the Wakandans' trust by breaking their former leader's murderer out of jail and then fought them was wronged because of a necessarily-used failsafe? Weird.
Only a white man would find it sad that a Black nation doesn’t fully trust anyone outside their nation. Bucky broke out Zemo on some bullshit “means to an end” and had no plans to turn him over to the Wakandans That’s exactly why they used the admin code on his ass...arm.

Why Wakandans have a right to not trust Bucky

While some people focused on Bucky's past as a brainwashed super-soldier, and the validity of having some kind of failsafe in case the deprogramming hadn't been entirely successful, others wanted to talk about a more systemic issue. Namely colonization and the fact that the Wakandans have a long history of distrusting anyone from outside of Wakanda, white people in particular.

Imagine thinking that Wakandans would ever unconditionally trust a white American man with superpowers who spent the previous century as a brainwashed HYDRA assassin.
The Wakandans didn't put a failsafe in Bucky's arm because he was a former brainwashed assassin who they believed would never fully gain control, they did it because he is a white American soldier. Him growing out his hair in a Wakandan hut with some goats doesn't change that.
If you have to wonder why the WAKANDANS, a people who've resisted colonizers, would install a fail-safe into the Winter Soldier without telling him...
Wakandans didn’t trust the white man? hm. smart people.

Add to that the long history of white male characters creating or using similar technologies against their friends and protégés—and the entirely different reception their actions receive compared to the Wakandans—and it's clear that this is yet another case of a familiar double standard.

if tony had added a failsafe to bucky arm it would be considered genius and justified right??? but let the wakandans do it and it’s a problem...
Batman gets 1,000 plans to defeat the JLA, which all fail in the end, and it's praised. But the Wakandans putting a failsafe in a multi-billion dollar prosthesis attached to a metahuman prone to mind control is... somehow sad?
I can’t qwhite figure out the difference between Tony/Peter and the Wakandans/Bucky. I wonder why one makes people angry and the other doesn’t. Huh! Thinking faceFace with tears of joy
"Batman carries kryptonite in his pocket every time he leaves the cave, no one bats an eye. Wakandans build a failsafe into tech they allowed a partially-reformed brainwashed super assassin to use, tech that’s CONSTANTLY stolen from them, and you’re mad they don’t trust anybody?" Monica Rambeau saying "hmm"

In fiction, just like in real life, Black people are expected to accommodate the needs and emotions of white people before they see to themselves. The idea that Bucky's feelings should outweigh the safety of Wakanda and that they should have left themselves open to a potentially serious threat because of that is just another example in a long line of many.

People feel A Way™️ about the way Wakandans interact with their faves because Wakandans are the only Black people in the MCU that are written to put themselves and their own first. ✌🏾

The post Bucky’s detachable vibranium arm kicks off a debate about autonomy and racism appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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